About me 🙋🏽‍♀️

From French, “a remembrance or memory”
“token of remembrance”

Souvenirs are usually mass- produced merchandise associated with a specific location or sightseeing, often denounced as “kitsch”, with lack of design.

But following what Donald A. Norman pointed, ‘surface appearance and behavioural utility play relatively minor roles. Instead, what matters is the history of interaction, the associations that people have with the objects, and the memories they evoke.’ (2004, p.46)

The Souvenir solidifies and materializes owner’s personal experience. Having a psychological connection with the possessor as a symbol of past experience it means different to each owner, being universal and timeless. ‘The objects in our lives are more than mere possessions (…) always have a story, a remembrance, and something that ties us personally to this particular object, this particular thing.’ (2004, p.6)

However human’s memory has limited capacity and duration, which means that information is not retained indefinitely. The Souvenir is a soap bar that disappears with its use as memories does.

The bars contain different message such as Memorabilia, Souvenir, Something to Remember, Memento, Trip Memories and Memories.